
When You Get Embarrassed: Kakashi X Reader

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FullMoonBloodbender's avatar

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Today is the most beautiful day Konoha has seen in a long time. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are in full bloom. It is because of this that you decided it was a fantastic day for a walk in the woods. You’ve never been much of a nature person, but still. Something about the outdoors just seemed so perfect that you couldn’t stop yourself. Humming a random tune, you walk down the small dirt path without a care in the world. It seems as if nothing else matters; it’s only you and nature. Suddenly, that is when you hear it. Coming from off in the distance is a high-pitched sound.

“Meow! Meow! MEOW!!!”

The moment you hear it you are able to identify it as the sound of a frightened cat. Under most circumstances you would continue walking and ignore the sound of the animal. However, this time you decide to go directly toward the creature. Since you’re not in a hurry and really have nowhere to be, stopping to help an animal in need this one time couldn’t possibly hurt. Still humming your nifty tune, you leave the trail. Less than five minutes is all it takes you to find the source of the frantic meows. In the tree high above you in one of the lower branches is a small black and white cat with large green eyes. Once it spots you its meows grow more desperate, as if begging you to help it find its way down.

(___e/c___) eyes brimming with sympathy, you speak to the animal. “Aw, poor kitty! Did you get stuck up there?”

The cat gives a nod and a “meow” as if trying to answer your question.

“Well don’t you worry, kitty,” you say in response. “I’ll help you get down.”

That being said, you saunter up to the tree and grab hold of the lowest branch. It has been a while since you last climbed a tree, but still you manage. Before you know it you’re on the exact same branch as the black and white cat, who stares at you with confused green eyes. Completely oblivious, you reach for it.

“Okay, kitty, come here. I’ll help you get down.”

Tilting its head slightly to the side, the cat gives a sassy-sounding “meow” before climbing over onto your lap. For a moment you think it’s coming to you as a form of thanks, but then you realize it was just climbing over you to get closer to the tree’s trunk. Within moments the little animal has used its sharp claws to climb down the tree and back to the ground. Once on the ground it stares back up at you mockingly. As odd as it sounds, the cat’s attitude makes you upset.

“Hey, you tricked me!” you say to the cat. “I seriously thought that you were stuck up here!”

The animal doesn’t do much of anything at your comment. It simply stares at you for one more minute before scampering off into the brush. Once that happens you cross your arms over your chest in an irritated manner.

“Stupid cat,” you say to yourself. “I should’ve known that it wasn’t really stuck. What idiot actually gets stuck in a tree, anyway?!”

Shaking your head, you grab hold of the branch and are about ready to try climbing back down to the ground. It is only when you look at the ground, however, that you realize how far away it really is. Sure you’re sitting on one of the tree’s lowest branches, but that doesn’t help calm you any. The truth is you had a tremendous fear of heights for much of your childhood. Only, you didn’t realize until now how much the thought of heights still scares you. Just glimpsing the ground makes your head spin with fear.

“Don’t worry, _____,” you say to yourself. “Just stay calm and you’ll figure out a way to climb down. Relax and you’ll be out of this tree in no time.”

…two hours later…

“This is so stupid! I can’t believe I’m still stuck up here!”  

Several hours have passed. You have gone through every possible scenario, but it’s no use. No matter what, you just can’t think of a way to climb down without hurting yourself. Your only hope now is that someone will come along to rescue you. You don’t care who it is. It could be the fifth Hokage, Gai, or even that creep Jiraiya. At this point you really don’t care. As long as somebody shows up who could potentially get you down.

“______? Is that you? What are you doing up there?”

All of the sudden, a voice comes out of nowhere; a voice that you would never want to hear in a situation like this. Eyes wide and cheeks turning red, your gaze shifts to the ground in front of the tree. Certainly enough, the person standing there is none other than Kakashi Hatake. In this moment you know that the universe must be against you. Of all the people that could have caught you in this pathetic situation, it had to be Kakashi! Shade of red deepening, you do your best to give a semi-normal response despite your humiliation.

“Uh…,h-hi, Kakashi,” you stutter. “W-what’s up?”

Leaning against the trunk of the tree across from you, he returns your comment with an apathetic expression.  “The sky,” he states simply. “And, apparently, so are you.”

Not knowing what else to do, you do your best to give a reasonable explanation. “Uh…yeah! Of course I am! I woke up this morning and thought ‘Gee! What a wonderful day this would be to climb a tree!’ So I came out into the woods, climbed a tree, and here I am!” After an awkward pause, you add, “Nice day out, isn’t it?”

Narrowing his eye, the silver-haired ninja looks at you skeptically. “You’re stuck, aren’t you?”

Crossing your arms over your chest, you defend yourself. “What? No! I’m not stuck! Not at all! I can climb down any time I want!”

“Really?” says Kakashi, “Because if you were stuck I would be more than happy to help you climb down.”

Coming from anyone else, those would be the most beautiful words to ever grace your ears. However, coming from your long-time crush Kakashi, the words only make you feel embarrassed. It is because of this that you say what you say.

“See…that’s a really nice offer, Kakashi…but it’s not needed because I’m not stuck.”

Giving a shrug, the man pulls out his Icha Icha Paradise book and continues leaning against the tree. “Well, okay. If you’re not stuck, then feel free to climb down. If you need any help I’m right here.”

“Okay,” you reply simply. “If I need help I’ll call.”

From there another twenty minutes passes. Kakashi doesn’t move from his spot reading his book and you don’t move from your spot in the tree. Eventually the man speaks to you once more while turning a page in his novel.

“Yep. You’re definitely stuck.”

“Am not!” you exclaim in defense. “I’m just enjoying the view! Everything looks so nice, and green…and so far down…” That last part you say in a whisper.

Peeking over the edge of his book, he shoots you yet another skeptical look. “Okay, fine. If you’re not stuck, then climb down.”

Without thinking, you glare at him bitterly. “You know what? Fine. If you want me to climb down so much, I will.”

By the time the words are out you already realize that it was far too late to take them back. Feeling excessively anxious, you grab onto the tree branch and attempt climbing down for the first time despite your fear. With your back turned to Kakashi, you don’t see as he tucks his book away and watches you nervously. Even if you did see it wouldn’t matter. Before you have a chance to get down to the next branch you lose your grip on the above branch and begin falling rapidly toward the ground. Terrified at the prospect of meeting the hard dirt, you cover your head with your arms and brace for impact. However, much to your surprise, the impact doesn’t come. Instead you feel as you are caught by the strong arms of the copy ninja. When he speaks he sounds irritated, but also slightly amused.

“Next time you get stuck, don’t be afraid to admit it. We can’t have you falling to your doom.”

“There won’t be a next time. I’m not climbing another tree again for a while.” Pausing, you add, “Besides. I wasn’t stuck anyway.”
Okay, this is the first installment of a reader insert series I'm doing about the Leaf Village Jonin. The first topic is "When You Get Embarrassed" and will include Kakashi, Gai, and Iruka. As soon as I've written up all the scenarios for this topic I will work on the next topic. I will most likely continue adding different topics to my series, so if you have any requests for a topic please let me know. :)

*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto*

When You Get Embarrassed: Gai--fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When You Get Embarrassed: Iruka-- fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When He Gets Embarrassed: Kakashi--fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When You Get Trapped: Kakashi--fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When He Returns Your Feelings: Kakashi-- fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When He Lends a Helping Hand: Kakashi--fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…

When You Lend a Helping Hand: Kakashi--fullmoonbloodbender.deviantart…
© 2015 - 2024 FullMoonBloodbender
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sansthecomic4545123's avatar
Its a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these kids like you..... should be playing outside