
The Hidden Truth: Chapter Three

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

The people congregated around the Hokage's desk have no idea how much time has passed. All they know is that at some point they got tired of standing and sat on the floor against the wall. The portable DVD player is currently sitting in Lady Tsunade's desk chair, everyone looking up at the screen from where they sit. Nobody utters a word as they watch the secrets of Itachi's life unfold. The only sounds besides the ones from Kazumi's home videos are the noises of a large bag of chips being passed back and forth and loud chewing. Really, it's a good thing that Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji showed up. Choji is always good for bringing tasty snack food.

Right now, however, only part of their focus is on the chips. Most of it is on Kazumi and the footage she's shot. So far they've witnessed Itachi's sixteenth birthday party and another episode of "Kazumi's Kitchen" where she somehow managed to get Itachi to co-host. Somehow, despite the fact that this is the secret life of a murderous Akatsuki member they're witnessing, all of the stuff Kazumi has filmed so far has managed to be amusing.

Through some kind of miracle, Kazumi got the majority of the Akatsuki members to show up to the birthday party she threw for Itachi. Not only that, but she was also able to get them to wear party hats and bring presents. At first everyone in the room thought that they were going crazy or that maybe genjutsu was hidden in this video after all. Of course, when Kakuzu demanded that Kazumi give him the money she promised directly after the party, they began understanding how Itachi's widowed wife pulled this off. When Deidara informed her of the amount of clay he needed when she decides to buy it and when Tobi asked if she could make him double the amount of cookies for bringing an extra present, it was explained further still.

In the end, the only Akatsuki members that didn't show up were Pein, Hidan, and Sasori. It was later explained that there was absolutely nothing she could find to bribe Sasori and Pein with, and with Hidan that, "Absolutely nothing that can get me to wear one of those Jashin-{bleep} party hats." It wasn't Kazumi that explained why Hidan didn't show up, but Hidan himself when he tried sneaking into the party to grab a piece of cake. Sadly, the Jashinist didn't get any. Kazumi handed the camera over to Kisame while she whacked at Hidan with a broom and told him to get out.

"You're not using your foul language at this party! Especially if you didn't agree to come!" She'd said to him angrily. "If you want cake so bad, then go bake yourself one!"

Hidan responded by calling her many foul words before walking out of the room angrily without any cake. The party went on for several more minutes before the scene switched to show Itachi and Kazumi standing in the kitchen of one of the Akatsuki's branch hideouts. He wasn't wearing his Akatsuki cloak in this part of the film, but he was wearing an annoyed frown and a white apron bearing the Akatsuki symbol. Of course, once they each proceeded with cooking meatloaf, Itachi's frown quickly transformed into a smug smile while Kazumi shouted in disbelief. In the middle of the video it went from both of them cooking together to each of them wanting to make their own meatloaf separately to see how the other would do. When Kazumi's turned out burnt to a crisp and Itachi's came out perfect, the girl was clearly very shocked.

"What, you didn't think I could cook?" Itachi asked with a smirk. "I have this apron for a reason."

Now, at long last, the scenes have switched again. For a moment the people sitting against the wall and munching on Choji's chips are expecting to see the kitchen, the living room, or some other drab part of the Akatsuki hideout. It is because of this that they are excessively shocked when trees, a large pond, and the orange and pink evening sky come into view instead. This surprises the Leaf Village viewers so much that it prompts one of them to speak.

"What do you know? They're outside of the Akatsuki hideout," says Kakashi from between Shizune and Sakura. "This is certainly a change of scenery."

When it shows Itachi standing next to the pond in the falling daylight, and when it shows Kazumi walking alongside Kisame, this prompts even more dialogue.

Ino, who sits between Choji and Shikamaru, voices her thoughts. "This really is a change of scenery. I wonder what's going to happen now."

Naruto responds to Ino's statement from Choji's other side. The whole time he's eating chips and crying like a middle-aged woman watching a soap opera. "Maybe we're finally going to get to see the wedding! I've been waiting for this moment!"

Sakura, who is also next to Naruto, slaps him in the back of the head with irritation. "Naruto, will you knock it off?! We're watching the life of a deceased Akatsuki member! This was someone's actual life, not some kind of romance movie!"

Naruto pauses eating his chips in order to rub the back of his head in pain. "Aw, Sakura, do you always have to hit me? What did I do wrong? I just want to see them get married and have their kid!"

Opening her mouth partway, Sakura is about ready to say something else. However, before she gets the chance, everyone in the room shushes her. At first Sakura and Naruto don't get it, but once they hear Kazumi's voice they understand why. Knowing that things are getting interesting once again, they too shift their attention back to the portable DVD player's screen.

"Kisame, will you please tell me what's going on?" says Kazumi, who currently holds the camera. "Itachi has been avoiding me all week, and now this morning he randomly knocks on my bedroom door and asks me to meet him by the lake with my video camera. Not just that, but he asked me to wear some outfit that I haven't worn in ages. Is something weird going on, or is the mangekyo sharingan finally starting to affect his brain?"

They watch as the blue sword-wielding shark-man gives an unknowing shrug. "I don't know what's going on with him any more than you do. He just asked me to show up so I can hold the camera."

Though Kazumi can't be seen, it's very apparent that she's confused. "Hold the camera? Why would he ask you to do that? Usually I'm the one that holds the camera!"

Kisame shrugs once more. "Again, I don't know. He's been acting strangely all week. It's starting to make me wonder if Uchiha's as a whole are a bit eccentric."

It is here that Kazumi chuckles. "You'd better watch what you say. This thing is recording."

Kisame's eyes widen at the girl's confession. "You turned it on now? Why?!"

"I don't know," she says nonchalantly. "I guess it's just interesting to see what people say when they have no idea that they're being recorded."

The shark man narrows his eyes at her. "You're a tricky little thing. I hope you know that."

She doesn't respond with words. Instead she gives another laugh before they finally reach Itachi's side. When they do, the camera turns at an awkward angle so that thick green grass is on one part of the screen and the trunks of trees off in the distance are on another part. Even if the sky can't be seen, it's still easy to tell that it's evening due to the waning light and the length of the shadows. It's only when the camera straightens out that Kazumi and Itachi can be seen standing side-by-side, letting everyone know that the girl has passed the camera over to Itachi's partner.

Now that both the Uchiha and his girlfriend are in view, the people in the room do a double-take at the sight of them. Just like in the last video, the sixteen-year old Akatsuki member is seen without his cloak. Only, unlike last time, there isn't an apron with a red cloud in place of it. Instead Itachi is dressed in very nice clothes. He's wearing black dress pants, a red button-up-the-front shirt, a black tie, a black jacket, and men's dress shoes. For once his ponytail is over the shoulder instead going down his back. Kazumi is dressed very nicely as well. She wears a scarlet-colored, knee-length, dress with thick straps and strings that tie together to form a black bow in the back. Usually her curly brown hair is in a high ponytail, but right now it is hanging down all the way to her lower back.

Gaping at the screen in surprise due to their attire, Sakura speaks to Naruto. "Actually, Naruto, I think I stand corrected. Itachi might actually be getting ready to propose!"

The blonde-haired jinjurichi doesn't hesitate to gloat. "Ha! See! What did I tell you?!"

Again the people sitting around the loud teens shush them. Immediately the duo falls silent and looks back at the couple on the screen. Her voice sounding not at all irritated but intensely curious, the girl puts her hands on her hips and she makes her inquiry.

"Okay, Itachi. I put on the dress, I brought my camera, and I came all the way out here. Now do you mind telling me why you've been avoiding me all week?"

Itachi, who appears as calm and emotionless as ever, replies to his girlfriend. "Don't worry, Kazumi. You're about to get the answer to my strange behavior. But first…" Looking away from Kazumi, Itachi shifts his gaze to the man holding the video camera. "Kisame, could you please move a few feet to the right? I want to get the sunset in the shot. Otherwise I came out here wearing a suit for nothing."

Sounding confused, Kisame complies with the request and takes several steps in the indicated direction. As he does this, it is instantly discovered why Itachi wanted the sunset caught on camera. With the sun going down directly over the lake, the area is cast in a vast array of oranges, reds, and pinks. Any trees or foliage on the pond's other side are black against the light of the sunset, making the scene a truly magnificent one. The people watching can't help but be in awe of the area's beauty. The only thing that breaks them free from the trance is Kisame's voice from behind the camera.

"Okay… The sunset's in the shot…" After a long pause, the shark man asks in surprise, "Itachi, I hope I'm not jumping to conclusions, but are you about to do what I think you're going to do?"

Itachi doesn't speaks right away. However, when he does, it isn't in response to his question. "Kisame, could you please refrain from speaking until we're finished? I'm doing everything I can to make this a special moment for Kazumi."

It is here that Kisame speaks in a low tone; a tone so low that only those viewing the video can hear. "Dear Jashin, he's actually going through with it. I thought that he was exaggerating!"

Of course, nobody is paying Kisame any mind. Everyone's attention is on Itachi and Kazumi who stand next to the lake. Slowly, with the most hesitation ever seen by a human male, Itachi pulls a small box out of his jacket pocket. The whole time Kazumi's light brown eyes widen in a mixture of shock and pure undiluted joy. Nobody ever thought that they would hear themselves think this, but Itachi's onyx eyes are filled with a very surprising emotion, however faint it may be; it looks almost like...apprehension!

At last Kazumi speaks, her voice reflecting the same emotions shown her eyes. "Itachi…"

Though the Uchiha still appears calm and emotionless more than anything, the apprehension can still be seen despite its incredibly scant amount. When Itachi gets down on one knee and opens the box his nervousness grows ever so slightly. The fact that the nervousness can't be heard in his voice is almost surprising, but only almost. What doesn't surprise them at all is the fact that throughout the whole thing Itachi never breaks eye contact with his girlfriend.

"Kazumi," says Itachi once he's down on one knee, "Marry me."

In most situations like this one, those viewing would expect a gasp from the person being proposed to or a beaming smile. Of course, considering how the woman who just got engaged is no more than a fifteen-year-old girl, she is smiling times ten. Not to mention squealing, obsessively screaming with pleasure, and intensely hugging her sixteen-year-old boyfriend around the neck. The whole time she manages to do all of this while jumping up and down.

"Is this why you've been acting so weird all week? Oh my gosh, that explains everything! And yes, I will definitely marry you! I would never ever say no to you!" Practically skipping, she takes the ring from the box and slides it onto her finger. Meanwhile, she shouts over to Itachi's partner. "By the way, you were completely wrong, Kisame! Uchihas are not eccentric! They're wonderful!"

Kisame replies to her statement, but once again it is only loud enough for those watching the video to hear. "I wouldn't say that he isn't eccentric. Anyone who plans on getting married to a girl at sixteen years old seems like a lunatic to me."

Neither Itachi nor Kazumi hearing his comment, Kazumi shouts over to him once more. Somehow Itachi has gone from emotionless to smiling in the space of five seconds.

"Kisame, turn off that camera and get over here! You have to see my engagement ring! Itachi got me one in the shape of the Uchiha Clan symbol!"

Kisame responds bluntly. "Okay, I'm on my way."

It is only after the words have been spoken that the screen fades to black. Once the screen is dark Naruto gets to his feet and jumps up and down much in the same fashion as Kazumi. To everyone's displeasure, he squeals like her too.

"Yes! Itachi proposed! They just got engaged, they're going to get married, and we get to see the wedding! Who knew that Sasuke's evil older brother that killed the Uchiha Clan could actually be romantic?! It's too bad that he's dead, because otherwise I would ask him for some tips!"

This time it isn't Sakura that reprimands him, but Shikamaru. From his place at the end next to Ino, he shoots Naruto an annoyed expression.

"Naruto, will you quit jumping around like an excited child and sit down? These are home videos, not a soap opera. What we're watching is something very important!"

Turning to face the shadow-possession user, Naruto ceases in his excitement and frowns. "Hey, don't you think I know that? I found the DVD! Of course I know it's important!"

"Then why are you bouncing around like an idiot?"

The jinjurichi doesn't respond right away. Instead he puts a finger to his chin and contemplates Shikamaru's words. It is only a moment later that Naruto grumbles to himself and resumes his previous seat on the ground.

"Okay, fine. You have a point. I just thought that maybe Itachi wasn't such a bad guy and I got excited for a moment, but never mind. He was a murderous Akatsuki member, so I guess that idea is kind of impossible."

A short moment of silence goes by before someone eventually responds to Naruto's comment. When someone responds, it is none other than Ino.

"Actually, I guess it isn't entirely impossible. Itachi was a bad guy and he did some really bad things, but over all he's actually starting to seem like he was…human."

"Yeah," adds Choji in agreement. "It's a weird thing to admit, but Itachi actually seems like he was a pretty decent guy for an insane killer. Even if he killed his entire clan and was cold and emotionless, it looks like he did have a heart in there somewhere. He really seemed to be in love with Kazumi. We just saw him propose to her!"

A small smile crosses over Naruto's face at Choji's and Ino's words. Opening his mouth, he looks about ready to say something. That, however, is when the unexpected happens. Before any of them has a chance to blink, let alone comprehend what's happening, the door to Lady Tsunade's office busts open. Once the door opens, a loud echoing voice fills the room. So terrified is everyone at the sudden appearance of more people that the eight of them jump to their feet from shock. Sakura must have paused the DVD at some point, because a large white "pause" symbol is the center of the screen. It's a good thing too, because based on the trio that stands in the doorway they have a lot of explaining to do before they can continue watching Kazumi's home videos.

"Who proposed?! Is there a couple here who is engaged to be married?! Hopefully we did not miss anything that is incredibly youthful!"

Standing in the center of the room looking as green and energetic as ever is none other than Rock Lee. Loitering in the doorway to Tsunade's office, appearing more than a little bit embarrassed by their teammate's actions, are Tenten and Neji. Blushing slightly, Tenten walks inside the room followed by a solemn-looking Neji. Laughing uneasily, the girl is the first to apologize for Lee's "youthfulness".

"We're very sorry, Lady Tsunade! Lee didn't mean to come barging in here! His youthful side got the better of him, and he just got…excited!" Turning to face the green-clad boy, the girl glares at him. "Lee, you can't just barge into the Hokage's office! It's disrespectful!"

Realizing his actions, Lee also blushes. "Oh, right. I am sorry, Lady Tsunade. Tenten is correct in saying that my youthful energy got the better of me. I was not thinking."

Rubbing her temples, Tsunade gives each and every one of them an apathetic look. Normally she would be furious, but with Naruto and Sakura barging in here and then with Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji coming in uninvited she really doesn't care anymore. As long as the anbu black ops or the village elders would never pull a stunt like this, it honestly doesn't seem like it matters too much. Nonetheless, the woman still gives an aggravated sigh at the sight of the three new faces.

"You're already in here, so don't bother apologizing," says the Hokage bluntly. "Just shut the door, and come over here and sit down. I already let everyone else join us, so I guess I'll let you three in on the secret too. At this point, what's three more?"

As if for some form of atonement, it is Lee who goes over and gently pulls the door closed. Once it is closed the three of them look in Lady Tsunade's direction, as if realizing the number of people who are in the room for the very first time. The fact that all of them are sitting on the floor behind the Hokage's desk and staring intently at the object sitting in her chair makes the sight seem even more odd than before. Arching curious brows, Team Gai stares at the conglomeration in puzzlement.

"Out of curiosity, why are all of you sitting on the floor behind the Hokage's desk staring at a black screen?" Neji asks skeptically.

"Are we late for movie night?" adds Lee.

"Uh… kind of," says Kakashi awkwardly. "It's hard to put into words exactly what's been going on in here…"

It's a good thing for all involved that Naruto is there to summarize things. "To make a long story short, Itachi's wife broke into Granny Tsunade's office and left us a copy of their home videos. It's too bad that you came here late, because you missed Kazumi introducing herself and her's and Itachi's kid."

"It's okay, though. We missed that part too," says Shikamaru lazily. "Then again, it'll probably show Miki Uchiha in the later videos, so it shouldn't matter too much."

"What you should really be upset about is missing the birthday party, the food fight, and the proposal. Those parts were by far the most interesting!" says Choji through a mouthful of chips.

Nobody really seems to notice it, but Neji's, Tenten's, and Lee's eyes have widened to the size of disks. Several seconds pass and none of them says a word. At last, when one of them does speak, it is none other than the Hyuga.

"Did you just say that Itachi Uchiha had a wife and a daughter, and that you're viewing their lives through home videos?"

"He was only twenty-one when he died!" protests Tenten. "This has to be some kind of joke!"

"No, it really isn't a joke. Kazumi was actually his wife and she actually left Granny Tsunade their home videos. Get over here and take a seat, and you'll see so yourself!" says Naruto.

Sakura adds, "You made it here just in time for the wedding."

The three members of Team Gai exchange glances, appearing very unsure of what they're about to see. Of course, unsurprisingly, it doesn't take any more than sixty seconds for them to round their way around to the other side of Tsunade's desk. They have to rearrange themselves, shove the desk back a bit, and move the DVD player, but eventually they get settled. The moment they're situated, Sakura doesn't hesitate to press play. Once play is pressed it takes less than sixty seconds to erase each and every one of their doubts.

Itachi of the Akatsuki indeed had a wife, and she had the long white dress and a ring bearing the Uchiha symbol to prove it.

"I'm so excited, Konan! I don't think I've ever felt this excited before! If I get any more excited, I'm afraid that I'm going to explode!" After a short pause, the girl resumes speaking sounding a bit startled. "Oh my gosh! A person can't actually explode from excitement, can they?!"

The viewers watch the screen in silence as Kazumi stands in a small dimly-lit room with nothing besides a chair and a wide set of double doors filling the area. The girl, probably closer to sixteen than fifteen at this point, wears an incredibly elaborate white dress. It has a full skirt, a tight-fitting bodice, and modest yet tasteful long-sleeves. The sleeves are made entirely of lace and the dress comes down so that it shows her shoulders, but it manages to be not at all revealing. The large skirt has lace covering it as well. On some women a dress like this would look like far too much. On Kazumi, however, it is absolutely lovely.

Aside from the dress, the girl continues to look lovely. Her shiny coffee-colored curls are pulled up into a tasteful bun with a flawless paper rose decorating it on one side. She wears makeup as well, but definitely not too much. All Kazumi wears is blush, dark brown eyeliner and mascara, and red lipstick. Though nobody says it, there isn't one person in the room who doesn't think that Itachi picked out a very lovely bride. Not just because of her elegance, but because of the beaming smile of joy that causes the girl's face to glow.

At last a female voice answer's Kazumi's question; most likely the one referred to by her as 'Konan'. Chuckling, she says, "No, Kazumi. A person absolutely cannot explode from excitement." Pausing, she adds, "At least that's true as far as I know."

An honest expression of relief crosses her face before her smile returns. "Well that's good to know. The future Mrs. Uchiha can't die before even reaching the altar!"

Konan chuckles again from behind the camera, as does the bride.

"Yes. That would be very unfortunate." After a long moment of hesitation, the Akatsuki woman continues on sounding a bit more serious. "Honestly, I still can't believe that this wedding is happening. It was surprising enough when Itachi decided to bring a girl into the hideout. The fact that you're now getting married only a couple of years later is even more astonishing. Itachi just turned seventeen a few days ago, you know, and you don't turn sixteen for another couple of weeks. Isn't this a bit too soon?"

Kazumi retains her smile as she shakes her head vigorously. "No. Absolutely not! If anything, it feels like it's been too long! I'm marrying Itachi, and I'm marrying him today!"

Again, Konan laughs. The people watching this can't help but be surprised at how much the unseen Akatsuki woman giggles. Not only that, but she has a very soothing voice. As an S-rank criminal, it is definitely surprising how honestly kind the woman sounds. The only thing that shocks the room full of people more are the words that leave Konan's mouth a moment later.

"You certainly sound eager. Is the rule of abstinence that you and Itachi set up finally becoming too much for you to handle?"

It is here that Kazumi's smile morphs into an expression of discomfort. Cheeks coloring, the girl avoids eye contact. "Konan, please don't ask me that on camera! It's embarrassing!"

The woman holding the camera sounds amused and impressed all at the same time. "Don't be embarrassed about it, Kazumi. Honestly, you and Itachi have gained my respect. It isn't too many people that wait until their wedding night to share their first night of sexual intimacy."

If Kazumi's face wasn't red before, then it is definitely red now. Apparently the young bride isn't the only person who is embarrassed, because a very demanding voice comes from the other side of the double doors. The voice isn't just demanding, but it sounds every bit as uncomfortable with the topic of conversation as Kazumi's voice.

"Konan, if the camera is actually on, I would highly appreciate it if you would turn it off. I think Kazumi got out all of the emotions she wanted to get out." After a long pause, Itachi adds, "Kazumi agreed not to film any part of our private wedding ceremony, so please turn off the camera. Now."

It is here that the camera turns at an awkward angle so that it's facing the shadows of the ceiling. The whole time Konan's voice can still be heard; it hasn't lost a single ounce of amusement.

"Very well. I wouldn't want to embarrass a virgin couple on the day of their wedding, so I will comply and turn off the video camera."

It is here that the screen cuts to black, plunging the Hokage's office into total silence. It stays silent for a good three seconds before an uncomfortable cough is released from Shikamaru. Once this happens someone finally speaks, that "someone" being Tenten.

"They waited until they were married? That's actually kind of sweet," says the brown-haired kunoichi with a smile.

"I know. I was just thinking the same thing," Sakura replies from several feet away. "I'm surprised that an S-rank criminal would put up those kinds of stipulations. It's very… gentlemanly."

At long last, it is the stoic Neji who speaks. "Itachi Uchiha was many things, but he definitely wasn't sweet or gentlemanly. He was an evil man that murdered the entire Uchiha clan."

"I must agree with Neji," states Rock Lee from the Hyuga's other side. "Despite the fact that he married a woman, I have doubts that he was at all kind."

Nobody says anything else after this. Not because the conversation is over, but because they are distracted as another video lights up the screen. After several changes of scenery, they are once again inside of the Akatsuki hideout. The only difference is that it isn't Kazumi that's holding the camera, neither is it Itachi. Really, Itachi and Kazumi aren't even inside the room. The video camera is instead pointed at an open window, the pitter patter of rain sounding through the ears of the viewers. Louder than the sound of the gentle rain is, again, the voice of Konan.

"I'm happy that I didn't wait until tomorrow to return Kazumi's camera to her. This is really a very sweet sight."

A male voice replies to Konan's words. To those that were present for the proposal and Itachi's birthday party, it is the unmistakable voice of Itachi's partner, Kisame. When he speaks he doesn't sound as pleased by what their watching as Konan. Rather, he sounds confused.

"Call it sweet if you want to, Konan, but I don't understand this. Isn't rain on your wedding day supposed to be a bad thing?"

The woman replies sounding not at all concerned. "Not to the two newlyweds, it isn't."

Konan adjusts the camera so that those watching can have a better view of what is happening. Once adjusted, the viewers are able to see a misty screen of rain as it soaks the grass, the trees, the soil, and everything else beneath the sky. Astonishingly, also being soaked by the rain are Itachi and Kazumi. It truly is their wedding day, because the girl is still in her dress and Itachi is wearing a black tuxedo. Yet, despite the fact that their wedding attire is currently being destroyed, the duo of teens appears very happy. Itachi has Kazumi by her upper arms and Kazumi holds onto Itachi's forearms, the seventeen-year-old spinning with his pretty wife in the downpour. Her muddied white dress flies out as they spin, as does Itachi's sopping wet ponytail. The whole time joyous, carefree, laughter can be heard echoing through the raindrops. It's a type of laughter that almost makes the young man in the tuxedo seem like a completely normal teenager.

"What do you say, Itachi? Bring on the rain?" asks Kazumi between chortles.

Based on the question, it's obvious that what she's saying is something between them; something that none of the viewers will ever understand. All they can gather is that whatever it is they were talking about before Konan started recording must have been something important.

At last Itachi replies to his wife while laughing freely, but also sounding determined. "You know what, Kazumi? You're right. Bring on the rain!"

Equally determined, Kazumi shouts as well. "Yes! That's exactly what I've been saying since the day we met! Bring on the rain!"

The two go silent and continue laughing. Eventually the spinning becomes too much, because Itachi loses his balance by slipping on the muddied earth beneath him. When this happens the two fall to the ground, ending up soaked by a large mud puddle. Of course, this doesn't damper their joy. Even if it's raining and they're covered in mud, happy laughter still rings through the air. The only time it stops is when Itachi takes out the pins holding up Kazumi's hair and lets her brown curls tumble down her back. A few seconds later Kazumi mimics this action by taking out the tie that holds in Itachi's ponytail. Once the pins and the hair-ties are out the newly married couple shares a passionate kiss, fingers entwined in each other's hair. As this happens Kisame coughs awkwardly.

"Uh…Konan…I think it's time to stop recording…"

Konan sounds like she feels uncomfortable as well. "I think you're right, Kisame. We should let Itachi and Kazumi have their privacy..."

With that the screen goes dark once more, and nobody says a word. Instead they sit in silence and wait for the next video to play. For once Lee is speechless and Neji doesn't wear his usual harsh frown. Rather, they both appear taken aback ever so slightly.
Summary: Itachi Uchiha died a man with many secrets. He never told anyone the truth about the destruction of the Uchiha clan or about his true loyalties. However, what people don't know is that Itachi had another secret; a secret that gave the last few years of his life happiness. When Itachi's widow leaves Tsunade a copy of their personal home videos, it doesn't stay a secret for long.

Author's Note: To those of you who have been favoriting the chapters to this story, thank you a bunch! I'm glad that you've been enjoying it!:) (Smile)  
Also, I questioned myself a bit when I first wrote this chapter. Because Kazumi and Itachi got married as virgins, I originally thought that I would hear from the skeptics. In truth, I have noticed that the vast majority of people are with the opinion that Itachi would never get married before having sex. Of course, knowing the type of person Itachi is and knowing his character, I would have to say that I beg to differ. Really, I think that Itachi would absolutely get married before having sex. Who says that there aren't people left who still practice abstinence? Of course, if this story was about another Akatsuki member such as Hidan, or Kakuzu, or Deidara, I admit that I probably wouldn't have written it that way. They are definitely not Itachi, so I highly doubt that any of them would take that route. Wink/Razz 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't be afraid to leave a comment telling me what you think. Compliments and constructive criticism are both accepted! :D (Big Grin) 

*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto*

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TorakTheSpiritWalker's avatar
Awesome! The way it's written is so fitting!